Kumquat Tree - Fruiting - Outdoor Plants | Plantshop.me

Kumquat Tree

Citrus japonica

SKU 4345


AED 305


Choose Height

70cm - 90cm

Choose Pot

Default Plastic Pot


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Plant Care


During summer, Water daily or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. During Winter season water once in 2 days or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.


During summer season keep the plants in shaded area and during winter season plants can withstand direct/indirect light.


During summer season or when the temperature is above 45°C place the plant in shaded area. During winter season or the when the temperature is below 45°C the plants can be directly placed in direct/indirect sunlight.


Fruit and Flower Fertilizer

Plant Bio

Try the deliciously sweet and citrus fruit from the amazing Kumquat trees!

These slow-growing short trees are dense in foliage with dark glossy green leaves.

Like other citrus flowers, they grow delicate white flowers that mature into delicious sweet and zesty fruits, the lovely Kumquats.

Overall plant height including growing pot: 65-75 cm

Key Benefits — Easy to grow and fragrant  

Kumquats grow on evergreen trees which retain their foliage year-round, rather than losing their leaves annually. They are also self-fertile, so you’ll only need one tree to produce fruit.

During the spring you’ll be treated to luscious, sweet-smelling white blossoms. 

The fruit closely resembles the orange, and it’s the smallest of the common citrus fruits. Its skin and zest are sweet and the juicy insides are tart with a hint of bitterness.

Plant Care Tips: Kumquat Tree

The Kumquat tree can bring joy for 10 to 15 years with the right care.

This zesty fella loves light. Keep it away from any radiators or cold drafts, near a window in a bright cool room, a balcony or a conservatory.

For younger trees, keep the soil moist, but not wet or soggy. Water it thoroughly from the top when the soil starts to look dry and let the excess water drain away. Once the plant is settled, water during dry spells.

In the winter it will only need watering as little as once every two weeks. In the summer it may need to be hydrated nearly every day. Pace it outside in a sheltered area and to give it a bit of fresh air and bring it back inside during the evenings. 

The Kumquat Tree Story

Where is it from?

Native to China, for a long time they were also cultivated in parts of East, South and Southeast Asia.

Who is the Kumquat Tree?

Sometimes also known as Chinese oranges. 
An Evergreen plant, with foliage that remains green throughout the year. 

Good For You!

Flavour and scent: There are many tasty uses for this versatile citrus fruit: jellies, sauce, jams, salads, cocktails and even candles! 
Healthy: Kumquats are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and are a good source of fibre. 

Is The Kumquat Tree The Right Plant For Me?

Like other citrus trees, it doesn’t appreciate wetter climates, so they should be grown in free-draining soil or compost.

Abrupt changes in temperatures may cause the foliage to drop but this can be easily solved. Return to regular watering and place the tree in an area with stable temperatures. If your plant gets below 5ºC it will suffer.

If you want to keep it in a container, you may need a very large pot as they don’t tolerate being root-bound.  

Pets: Keep away from nibbly pets

How tall does it grow? 

With the right care, they can grow up to 8 to 15 feet tall.

The Fruit

Kumquat fruits are edible and delicious, the fruit is sweet and tart at the same time and is traditionally eaten without removing the peel. 

There are a few things we’d like you to note;

Please do not eat the first harvest. Growers use plant protection substances to avoid infestations.
The second harvest should be fine to consume if you use safe ingredients to protect your plant.  
If you like some advice on alternative pest management, feel free to get in touch.

Plant transport 

Ripe Kumquats can naturally come loose during transport, this does not affect the health of the tree or the growth of new flowers and fruit.  

 *Please note that, at certain times of the year, although fruit trees are not as full, they are equally beautiful. With the correct care, as they approach the growing season, they will blossom beautifully and produce the most gorgeous and tasty citrus treats!

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